Majestic simplicity
sábado, 28 de enero de 2012
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012
Yoga, razones de peso
En 1995 hice un curso intensivo de profesor de yoga, duró un mes. Régimen vegetariano, ejercicio físico, meditación, etc. Por esas fechas también hice la famosa cura tibetana de ajo. Después de aquello aún he comido carne, no tanta, pero sí. El caso es que a partir de entonces estuve más de diez años completamente sano, no me entró ni la gripe, ni un simple resfriado que no desapareciera él solo en no más de tres días. De hecho no tomé ni una pastilla siquiera, ni visité al médico durante más de diez años.
In 1995 I took an intensive course to teach yoga that lasted a month. Vegeterian diet, physical exercise, meditation, etc. At the same time I also did the famous Tibetan garlic cure. After that, I have eaten meat, not a lot, but some. Anyway, from that time I was completely healthy, never had the flu, nor even a simple cold that didn't disappear by itself in less than three days. In fact, I didn't take a single pill or visit the doctor for more the ten years.
In 1995 I took an intensive course to teach yoga that lasted a month. Vegeterian diet, physical exercise, meditation, etc. At the same time I also did the famous Tibetan garlic cure. After that, I have eaten meat, not a lot, but some. Anyway, from that time I was completely healthy, never had the flu, nor even a simple cold that didn't disappear by itself in less than three days. In fact, I didn't take a single pill or visit the doctor for more the ten years.
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Ponteareas, Julio 1995 |
viernes, 20 de enero de 2012
Pelícanos (Pelecanus Occidentalis Californicus)
Pelícano Pardo Californiano, Eureka, California, 6 de agosto de 2011 |
The White Pelican is native to Europe. It lives in eastern continent and western Asia and in the winter immigrates to Africa, India and Indochina. It is in danger due to the reduction of its natural habitat, negative effects of pesticides and hunting.
El americano es el Pelícano Pardo. Tuve la oportunidad de fotografiarlo en el norte y en el sur de California. En el norte visitando a nuestra familia en Eureka. Fue éste un viaje fantástico por muchos motivos. La posibilidad de fotografiar el Pelícano Pardo Californiano es el menor de ellos.
The American version is the Brown Pelican. I had the opportunity to photograph it in the north and the south of California. In the north we visited family in Eureka. It was a fantastic trip for many reasons. The possibility of photographing the California Brown Pelican was just the least of them.
viernes, 13 de enero de 2012
White Elephant
El del Elefante Blanco es un juego en el que se intercambian regalos. Cada uno aporta el suyo y vuelve a casa con otro, mejor o peor.
White Elephant is a gift exchange game. Every one brings his one gift and goes home with another one, better or worse.
White Elephant is a gift exchange game. Every one brings his one gift and goes home with another one, better or worse.
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Llevas años pensando cómo deshacerte de aquel “tesoro” que te regaló tu tía como recuerdo del viaje de su vida. Por fin llegó el momento de la liberación. |
lunes, 9 de enero de 2012
Forks over Knives
Una cuarta parte de lo que comes te mantiene vivo.
Las otras tres cuartas partes mantienen a tu médico.
(Antiguo Proverbio Egipcio)
One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.
(Ancient Egyptian Proverb)

Durante este ciclo de fiestas navideñas comemos tanto que se agradece llegar al final.
During this holiday season we ate so much that we're glad it's come to an end.
Mary y yo hemos visto hoy Forks over Knives.
Mary and I watched Forks Over Knives today.
En la Universidad yo era vegetariano y me iba muy bien. Dejé de serlo por motivos laborales; comer con los chicos de la residencia formaba parte de mi trabajo pues contribuía a crear un clima normal y familiar.
During college I was a vegetarian and it was good for me. I stopped being one for work related reasons; eating with the guys at the group-home was part of my job since it contributed to creating a normal and family-like environment.
viernes, 6 de enero de 2012
Reyes Magos
Basílica de San Isidoro, León, 6 de enero de 2012. Celebración de la Epifanía |
Siempre les dije la verdad a mis hijos sobre los Reyes Magos. Les dije que eran unos sabios que buscaban a Dios y encontraron al Niño Jesús y que le ofrecieron sus regalos. Por eso cuando ahora celebramos el cumpleaños de Jesús también nos hacemos regalos unos a otros. Mis hijos participaban cada año en la preparación de regalos para la familia. Vivían con ilusión esta fiesta.
I always
told my children the truth about the Three Kings. I told them that they were
wise men who were looking for God and found the Christ Child, offering him gifts.
For that reason, when we celebrate Jesus’ birth we also give gifts to one
another. My children participated in preparing gifts every year for the family.
They lived this excitement each holiday.
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