The good thing about being old enough is that you've had enough time to pass through various stages in life's journey.
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BENDITO CRISTO DE LOS AFLIGIDOS Talla de madera policromada de la Escuela de Gregorio Fernández, siglo XVII |
In my adolescence and youth I asked myself if what we did during Holy Week was correct thing. It seemed to me that we dedicated a lot of attention to the tragic death of Jesus and little to his glorious resurrection. It almost seemed to me that the only important thing was the Resurrection. "If Christ has not been raised, then empty (too) is our preaching; empty, too, your faith (1 Cor 15, 14)" I didn't like the processions because it didn't seem right to me to make a spectacle out of the recreation of the events that led Jesus to his death on the cross.
Creo que ahora entiendo mejor algunas cosas. Para empezar, ahora sé que la Iglesia sí dedica más tiempo a recordar y celebrar la resurrección que la tortura y muerte de Cristo. La Semana Santa dura una semana, lo que entonces me parecía mucho, pero la resurección se celebra durante cincuenta días, con vestiduras litúrgicas blancas, con cantos e himnos de alabanza, de gloria y alegría. A los cuarenta días festejamos la Ascensión de Jesús al cielo y a los cincuenta, en Pentecostés, la venida del Espíritu Santo, tal como Cristo había prometido.
I think that now I understand things better. To begin with, now I know that the Church dedicates more time to remembering and celebrating the resurrection than the torture and death of Christ. Holy Week lasts for one week, a period of time that seemed like a lot, but the resurrection is celebrated for fifty days, with white liturgical clothing, with songs and hymns of praise, glory and joy. After forty days we celebrate Jesus' Ascension into Heaven and at fifty days, the Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, just as Christ promised.
Por otro lado, ahora sé que la muerte de Jesús tiene un sentido, un significado, un valor de la máxima importancia en mi vida. La resurrección también es importante, por supuesto; es una expresión del poder de Dios. El poder de Dios que no tiene límites y que es capaz de vencer a la muerte. Pero la muerte de Jesús, así como fue, es manifestación del amor que Dios nos tiene, del amor que Dios me tiene. Puedo ignorar su poder, pero no me puedo resistir a su amor.
On the other hand, now I know that Jesus' death has a sense, a meaning, a value of maximum importance in my life. The resurrection is also important, of course; it's an expression of the power of God. The power of God doesn't have any limits and is capable of overcoming death. But, the death of Jesus, as it was, shows God's love for us, the love that God has me. I can ignore his power, but I can't resist his love.
Fue la sola contemplación de Jesús en la cruz la que llevó a uno de los crucificados a su lado a creer en Él y al centurión a confesar: "Verdaderamente éste era el Hijo de Dios" (Mt 27, 54). Fue su muerte la que nos desveló al Padre (Mt 27, 51).
It was just contemplating Jesus on the cross that brought one of those being crucified at his side to believe in Him and the centurion to confess: "Truly, this was the Son of God!"
It was his death that revealed the Father (Mt 27, 51)
Dios me conoce y me ama con todas mis miserias.
God knows me and loves me with all my shortcomings.
Miro a Cristo en la cruz y sé que está ahí por amor a los hombres, no es ninguna broma, ningún espectáculo, ninguna leyenda. Es real, Jesús es un hombre real. Un hombre justo injustamente ejecutado en la cruz. Lo mataron por vivir en comunión con el Padre y por mostrarlo a los hombres. Nos mostró que Dios es amor; amor hasta el extremo.
I look to Christ on the cross and know that he is there because of love for man, that it's not a joke, not a spectacle, not a legend. It's real, Jesus is a real man. A just man unjustly executed on the cross. They killed him for living in communion with the Father and for showing God, the Father, to man. He showed us God is love; extreme love.
Doy gracias a Dios por darme la luz de la fe mediante la cual también yo veo que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios.
I thank God for giving me the light of faith through which I can also see Jesus is the Son of Dios.
Que Dios es todopoderoso se puede saber por la razón, muchas culturas han llegado a esta verdad.
One can reason that God is all powerful. Many cultures have arrived at that truth.
Saber que Dios es amor (1 Jn 4, 8) es una revelación que nos ha llegado por medio de Jesús crucificado.
To know that God is love (1Jn 4, 8) is a revelation that arrives to us through the crucified Jesus.
En esto consiste el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que Él nos amó y nos envió a su Hijo como víctima de propiciación por nuestros pecados. Ehí ta l'amor: non en que nós amáremos a Dios, sinón qu'Elli amóronos y unvió al so Fíu como víctima de purificación polos nuesos pecaos. In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins. (1 Jn 4, 10)
Dios nos demostró su amor en que, siendo nosotros todavía pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. Dios dio prueba del so amor pa con nos, en que daquella, anque nós yéramos pecadores, Cristo morrió en favor nuesu. God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (Rom 5, 8)
Nadie tiene amor más grande que el que da la vida por sus amigos. Vosotros sois mis amigos. Nun pue haber amor más grande que'l de dar la vida polos amigos. Vos sois los mios amigos. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends. (Jn 15, 13-14)
Yo entrego mi vida … Nadie me la quita, sino que yo la entrego libremente. Yo doi la vida ... Naide nun me la quita; doila a voluntá. I lay down my life... No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. (Jn 10, 17-18)
Y nosotros hemos conocido el amor que Dios nos tiene y hemos creído en Él. Nosotros conocimos y creyimos nel amor que Dios nos tien. We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. (1 Jn 4, 16)
Nosotros predicamos a Cristo crucificado: escándalo para los judíos, necedad para los gentiles. Nos anunciamos a Cristu crucificáu, escándalu pa los xudíos y llocura pa los xentiles. We proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. (1 Cor 1, 23)
En cuanto a mí, Dios me libre de gloriarme si no es en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Yo si me glorio, faígolo solo na cruz del Señor Xesucistu. But may I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal 6, 14)
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CRISTO RESUCITADO Autor: GREGORIO ESPAÑOL. Astorga. Siglo XVII. Talla de madera policromada. |
Thank you for showing us how interconnected Christ's death and love are. How much emphasis we give to His death or His resurrection, however, is unnecessary debate since a focus on one without the other misses the entire point. We don't talk about only God the father, or only God the Son and definitely not just God the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is a power, a force, all encompassing God and love in its togetherness. In the same way, we cannot separate one part of God's redemption through Christ from another. With His death, there has to be His resurrection. And His resurrection would be meaningless without His death. A sadness in the represented days of death and darkness and time in the tomb, and a mighty celebration on Resurrection Sunday. Everything in its time. With love.