Hoy se celebra el día en memoria del reconocido Doctor de la Iglesia Santo Tomás de Aquino (1225-1274). Por asociación de ideas yo me acuerdo ahora de otro fraile dominico: Domingo de Soto (1494-1560)
Today marks the commemoration of the renowned Doctor of the Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). A series of related thoughts has caused me to remember another Dominican friar: Domingo de Soto (1494-1560)
Today marks the commemoration of the renowned Doctor of the Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). A series of related thoughts has caused me to remember another Dominican friar: Domingo de Soto (1494-1560)
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Escultura a Domingo de Soto en Segovia, su ciudad natal. Sculpture of Domingo de Soto in Segovia, his birthplace. |
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¿Qué mejor para estudiar en el hospital mientras te recuperas de un trasplante? |
Hace unos días visité en el hospital a un amigo muy querido, convaleciente de una intervención quirúrgica importante. Estaba con este libro en las manos y me mostró lo que había encontrado.
A few days ago I visited a dear friend in the hospital who was recovering from a major surgery. It was this book that I saw in his hand and he showed me what he had discovered.
Un lejano pariente mío, Domingo de Soto, se habría adelantado en más de cincuenta años a Galileo en explicar un tipo de movimiento, el de la caída libre de los graves, asunto incluido en la obra: “Quasetiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis” (1551).
A distant relative of mine, Domingo de Soto, explained a type of movement, over fifty years before Galileo, the free fall of the weighted objects included in the book: “Quasetiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis” (1551).
A few days ago I visited a dear friend in the hospital who was recovering from a major surgery. It was this book that I saw in his hand and he showed me what he had discovered.
Un lejano pariente mío, Domingo de Soto, se habría adelantado en más de cincuenta años a Galileo en explicar un tipo de movimiento, el de la caída libre de los graves, asunto incluido en la obra: “Quasetiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis” (1551).
A distant relative of mine, Domingo de Soto, explained a type of movement, over fifty years before Galileo, the free fall of the weighted objects included in the book: “Quasetiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis” (1551).
Galileo llegó a publicar en 1604 acerca de la Dinámica una explicación errónea, después (quizá en 1609) conoció lo que había enseñado Domingo de Soto y volvió a publicarlo ya correctamente (en su Discorsi) en 1638 aunque sin citar al dominico español.
Galileo published an erroneous explanation in 1604 about the Dynamics. Later (perhaps in 1609) Galileo recognized what Domingo de Soto had taught and republished it once again, this time correctly, (in his Discorsi) in 1638 but without citing the Spanish Dominican.
Galileo published an erroneous explanation in 1604 about the Dynamics. Later (perhaps in 1609) Galileo recognized what Domingo de Soto had taught and republished it once again, this time correctly, (in his Discorsi) in 1638 but without citing the Spanish Dominican.
Domingo de Soto no aparece en los libros de física. Galileo sí. Solamente unos pocos estudiosos escudriñan lo suficiente como para conocer estas injusticias históricas.
Domingo de Soto does not appear in the physics' books. Only Galileo. And, only a few scholars scrutinize the work enough to the historical injustice.
Domingo de Soto does not appear in the physics' books. Only Galileo. And, only a few scholars scrutinize the work enough to the historical injustice.
La Dinámica es una de las ramas de la Física con más trascendencia en el desarrollo de la cultura.
Dynamics is a branch of physics with the most meaning in the development of culture.
Dynamics is a branch of physics with the most meaning in the development of culture.
The public, society, doesn't always recognize the best. Even in the specific field of objectivity in science and by scientists. The most successful are not always those who have made contributions attributed to them. I'm not talking about plagiarism, also. I'm talking about that there are many good contributions, great discoveries, great achievements that go unnoticed for various reasons. It may be for the humility of the author, for his timidity before the notoriety, may be the envy of others who do not want anyone to make shadow...
Domingo de Soto fue un importante filósofo con importantes aportaciones también en el campo de la lógica, teólogo participante en el Concilio de Trento, jurista citado aún hoy en día por ejemplo a propósito del debate internacional en torno a la invasión de Irak y... físico. ¡Ah! y es español y "de Soto".
Domingo de Soto was an important philosopher with important contributions also in the fields of logic, participant theologian in the Council of Trent, a jurist cited even today for his example on the subject of international debate regarding the invasion of Iraq, and... physics. Ah! and he was Spanish, and a "de Soto".
En muchas ocasiones se le nombra simplemente como "Soto" lo cual me recuerda algo que mi abuelo materno les decía a sus hijos: que no olvidaran que su apellido era "de Soto" y que no dejaran que nadie les quitara parte del apellido. Así es que yo no tengo mi apellido repetido porque "Soto" y "de Soto" no son lo mismo.
On many occasions he is named simply as "Soto" which reminds me of something my grandfather told his children never to forget. That his last name was "de Soto" and to never let anyone to take away the first part of his surname. So I don't have the same last name twice because my last name "Soto" and "de Soto" are not the same.
En San Francisco, California |
En Huntington Beach, California |
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