Una cuarta parte de lo que comes te mantiene vivo.
Las otras tres cuartas partes mantienen a tu médico.
(Antiguo Proverbio Egipcio)
One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.
(Ancient Egyptian Proverb)
Durante este ciclo de fiestas navideñas comemos tanto que se agradece llegar al final.
During this holiday season we ate so much that we're glad it's come to an end.
Mary y yo hemos visto hoy Forks over Knives.
Mary and I watched Forks Over Knives today.
En la Universidad yo era vegetariano y me iba muy bien. Dejé de serlo por motivos laborales; comer con los chicos de la residencia formaba parte de mi trabajo pues contribuía a crear un clima normal y familiar.
During college I was a vegetarian and it was good for me. I stopped being one for work related reasons; eating with the guys at the group-home was part of my job since it contributed to creating a normal and family-like environment.
Actualmente vivo bajo la amenaza de la hipertensión. Mary, mi esposa, con su régimen casi vegetariano, ha conseguido mejorar su salud.
I currently live with the threat of high blood pressure. My wife, Mary, with her mostly vegetarian regimen has improved her health.
Seguramente este documental no es la última palabra sobre el asunto, pero creo que apunta muy bien. Seguiremos profundizando en esta dirección: Más productos vegetales, menos carne, menos lácteos, menos alimentos procesados, más productos frescos y de temporada, mejor de agricultura orgánica o ecológica.
Surely this documentary isn't the last word on the subject, but I believe it makes a good point. We will continue to deepen our understanding in this direction: More live plants, less meat and dairy products, fewer processed foods and more fresh and seasonal produce, the best from organic and ecological agriculture.
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